Java Script
Java Script
Lessons 0/15
Lecture 1.1Introduction to JavaScript: history, uses, and applications
Lecture 1.2JavaScript syntax and data types
Lecture 1.3Variables, operators, and expressions
Lecture 1.4Control structures: if/else statements, loops, and switch statements
Lecture 1.5Functions: defining, calling, and passing arguments
Lecture 1.6Arrays and objects
Lecture 1.7DOM (Document Object Model) manipulation: selecting and modifying HTML elements using JavaScript
Lecture 1.8Event handling: adding interactivity to web pages with JavaScript
Lecture 1.9AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML): communicating with servers without reloading pages
Lecture 1.10jQuery: a JavaScript library for simplifying DOM manipulation and event handling
Lecture 1.11Frameworks and libraries: React, Angular, Vue.js, etc.
Lecture 1.12Debugging and error handling
Lecture 1.13Best practices and coding conventions
Lecture 1.14ES6 (ECMAScript 6) features and syntax, including let, const, arrow functions, and template literals
Lecture 1.15Web development tools and resources: IDEs, editors, debugging tools, and online resources for learning and practicing JavaScript.
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JavaScript syntax and data types