Lessons 0/14
Lecture 1.1Introduction to Java and its applications
Lecture 1.2Setting up the Java Development Environment (JDE)
Lecture 1.3Basic syntax and structure of Java code
Lecture 1.4Data types, variables, and arrays
Lecture 1.5Conditional statements and loops
Lecture 1.6Object-oriented programming concepts
Lecture 1.7Classes, objects, and methods
Lecture 1.8Inheritance and polymorphism
Lecture 1.9Exception handling and debugging
Lecture 1.10Input/output operations in Java
Lecture 1.11Multithreading and concurrency
Lecture 1.12Networking and database connectivity
Lecture 1.13Web application development with Java frameworks like Spring and Hibernate
Lecture 1.14Java security and best practices.
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Web application development with Java frameworks like Spring and Hibernate