R- Programming
R- Programming
Lessons 0/18
Lecture 1.1Introduction to R Programming
Lecture 1.2Basic R Syntax and Data Types
Lecture 1.3R Data Structures: Vectors, Matrices, and Arrays
Lecture 1.4R Data Structures: Data Frames and Lists
Lecture 1.5Data Visualization with R: Base Graphics
Lecture 1.6Data Visualization with R: ggplot2 Package
Lecture 1.7Data Manipulation with dplyr Package
Lecture 1.8Data Analysis and Statistics with R
Lecture 1.9Control Structures and Functions in R
Lecture 1.10Debugging and Profiling in R
Lecture 1.11Advanced Topics in R: Object-Oriented Programming
Lecture 1.12Advanced Topics in R: Parallel Computing and Big Data Analysis
Lecture 1.13R Markdown and Reproducible Research
Lecture 1.14R for Machine Learning: Introduction and Data Preprocessing
Lecture 1.15R for Machine Learning: Supervised Learning Techniques
Lecture 1.16R for Machine Learning: Unsupervised Learning Techniques
Lecture 1.17R for Machine Learning: Model Evaluation and Selection
Lecture 1.18R for Machine Learning: Advanced Topics and Applications
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